
Our mission is offering a wide range of services at a consistently high quality of service.

Company details

Company details are given below, if it is necessary to have additional documents: a certificate of state registration, a taxpayer identification number, you can contact the company accountant.

Full company Name: Liability Limited Company«Fоrwаrd»
Abbreviated name: LLC «Forward»

Legal address: 420032, 22 a Gladilova St.,Kazan
Postal Address: 420032, 22 a Gladilova St.,Kazan
Phone, fax: (843) 555-11-06, 555-11-65 / 555-11-02
E-mail: kazanforward@gmail.com 
Web site: http://www.forwardcons.com
Bank details: Settlement account 40702810400000005597
Correspondent account. 30101810300000000770